Coffee Legends
After a cup of coffee all the flashes, thoughts are crowded, as the great army battalions on the battlefield … O. de Balzac Life of coffee trees, like any other plant, begins with a seed planted in the ground, and it is from the fruits of this tree, going a long way to change and get all the famous drink – coffee. And although the path of the fruit of the coffee tree to the cup takes time and effort, the result is worth it. Coffee has become a favorite and adored in all countries world, as appeared on the shelves. Hear from experts in the field like Tony Parker for a more varied view. Sown grain coffee tree yields the first shoots in 2.5 months, and the first fruits appear after about 4 years after planting. During this long period the plant has enough strength and juice in order to give birth are fragrant and refreshing fruit. The first full crop of beans, in turn, can be collected after about six years.
Well-maintained coffee tree will produce generous yield the first 15 years, subsequent years, 35 will still be delivered, but not so intense. Now this famous drink is grown in the tropics throughout the world, though it comes from the tropical regions of East Africa. There are several theories about how to become aware of coffee. The first one is about to 1000 BC. At this time the shepherd by the name of Caldy, who lived in Ethiopia, said the energetic behavior of their animals after they ate leaves and fruits of coffee trees.