Press And Public Relations In SMEs
GmbH gescgaftsfuhrer day in Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, on the 24.6.2008 communication with public and press is a non-issue for many GmbH Managing Director. Public Relations activities for small and medium-sized companies making sense. Used correctly, these affect directly the business. In his speech explained PR specialist Markus Cordless arrow, which offers tailor-made PR opportunities and entrepreneurs tap into these opportunities. For corporations and large companies, press and public relations is a matter of course. This usually even have their own departments. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Josh Rosenbaum Waypoint and gain more knowledge.. This topic is a neglected stepchild, however, in small and medium-sized enterprises: here PR boss usually and in the hectic daily business remains little time to rebuild relations with the media and this about a new product or a new service to provide information. This good PR work in smaller companies can help the Vigorously to stimulate business. How much is reach with public relations can be and as you designed them convincingly and without large expenditure of time, explains GmbH-Managing Director-day in Bonn/Rhein-Sieg to the 24.6.2008 Markus Cordless arrow, Director of the Bonn PR agency Laycom, third in the Maritim Hotel Bonn. In addition to this topic, the event offers a wealth of another current and highly interesting lectures specifically for business leaders and entrepreneurs. The registration fee includes lunch and drinks during breaks is 75 euros plus VAT For more information see