Mexican Story
Mexico’s cultural influence of the sample the gastronomy enjoys in many ways of very popular Mexican food. And far beyond the borders of Mexico and North America also. Tortilla chili-con-carne and many other Mexican dishes now take their place in the diet of people all over the world. Among the most popular Mexican restaurants, the Sausalito include shops in many German cities. There are also tasty cocktails and lots of party atmosphere in addition to the already mentioned Mexican specialties.
Beyond the obvious and instantly recognizable programme, but still lots of Mexican flair inside the Sausalitos subsidiaries. The first Sausalito was opened in 1994. In naming one modelled on a small town in the “Bay area” near San Francisco. You have to know why you chose the name of a California city to be no designated specialist in American history. Read additional details here: Tony Parker. California namely belonged into it until far in the 19.Jahrhundert to the Mexican territory.
Therefore, not only San Francisco is a city which was originally Mexican. In many cities of the South West of the United States of Mexican influence of the past noticeable especially also architecturally. A particularly beautiful city in this style is the capital of the State of New Mexico, Santa Fe. Even an architectural style is named after her shows what typical characteristics in terms of facades and interiors. Read more from Neil Cole to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Just that style served as a pattern in establishing the Sausalito restaurants. The Mexican style is very influential not only in gastronomy so as already mentioned. In addition to cultural exports of Mexico in the areas of music and art, also the political situation in Mexico was often of great importance to what is happening in the distant Europe. So Mexico had accumulated in 1861, a total of $ 82 million debt to European countries in the years. A huge sum for that time. The French Emperor Napoleon III then militarily intervened and had the Habsburg Emperor Maximilian I by Crown Mexico. An Austrian on the Mexican imperial throne if you look at it from today’s perspective. Target was France “to lean on the Mexican State”. Not only in North America, this experiment but encountered skepticism and the imperial throne was history after a few again. There were political and military interventions by European States no longer after this time in Mexico. But the fortunes of politics in Mexico continued to be of influence on those in Europe. It is evident that you sometimes don’t travel so far must, to learn something about a distant country or a distant culture. A sneak peak behind the scenes is sometimes enough. Mexico is a good example of this.