North America
Brazil, country with bigger diversity of beings livings creature of the planet, suffers with the exploration of its natural resources, since 1500 when the Europeans had disembarked here. Theoretically the exploration project would have findado in 1822 with ' ' independence poltica' ' , sad illusion, therefore today beyond the exploration of the wealth, has it appropriation of the knowledge of the people and the monopolizao through patents and of the right of individual property. It would biopirataria it, it is consequence of the globalization and of the development of the biotechnology, beyond it is clearly of the lack of fiscalization of the government, and the defective and weak educative system that causes the deficiency of Brazilian researchers, studying our biodiversity. The Amaznia is the ecosystem more reached by would biopirataria, test of this affirmation is stories of Xanxerenses that had visited that region affirm that: Brazilians cannot adentrar the forest without previous authorization of Europeans or Americans, aboriginal tribes keep in its villages American flags asteadas believing vehemently that the United States are its country, are easy to find researchers of all the Europe, North America and Japan in the region, difficult exactly is to locate a Brazilian. A great coincidence also was told, the existence of 16 constructed American military bases, next to the points of bigger concentration of genetic and mineral biovidersidade, of the forest. These information by itself are alarming, however she is necessary to point out that the breaking rock, used medicinal plant for males of the urinrio system, already it has its I begin asset patented for the Americans, cupuau is mark of the Japanese, and the most impressive Swiss multinational Novartiz, tried happily without success, to patent the exclusive right of exploration of the biological diversity of the Amaznia. It seems incredible ahead, that of ' ' saqueamento in mass of our resources and ours cultura' ' , the governing are matenham immovable, the great press it does not divulge, and the society remains of vendados eyes and crossed arms. Our country this being ' ' consumido' ' , for the capitalist society, we are adentrando to a way without return of disequilibria of ecosystems and extines of species, which had the withdrawal in surplus of the resources without it has time for replacement. We live in a time where the settling of the popular knowledge and the intelligence of the Brazilians, is so intense how much of minerals and vegetables, and remains immovable, occupying our thought with crucial subjects as soccer and carnival.