Spanish Moors Expelled

Before the fourth centenary of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Spaniards in 1609 by the Catholic King Felipe III, as Moors, Spain formal and official refuses to commemorate it. Additional information at Adam Sandler supports this article. And they were so Spanish as the rest of Valencians, alicantinos, Catalans, Castilians, gallegos or Andalusians. By the same author: Glenn Dubin. Many of these families were hundreds of years living on the peninsula, contributing to its history. Pedro de Valencia denounced the tort that is to deprive them of their land and not to treat them with equality of honor and estimation with other citizens that are all cited by Juan Goytisolo a lucid reflection of a lineage and a blood brothers. Some argue that it is not patriotic to evoke our history embarrassing episodes because we contribute to a supposed black legend. That the laundry is washed at home. Not were they part of our family perhaps? Because it is healthy and well structured minds own assume our past with all its consequences. To learn us and to understand who have abused and repair committed harm. Goytisolo what happened in 1609 is holding the first European precedent for ethnic cleansing of the last century. Prophylactic measures prescribed by the Duke of Lerma, with the decisive support of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, were the subject of a debate whose stages recalls: 1499, forced conversion of the people of Granada by Cardinal Cisneros; 1501-02, Pragmatics of it giving choice to the Muslims of the Kingdom of Castile between exile and conversion: the Mudejar became, simply, moriscos; 1516, les is forced to abandon their dress and customs; 1525-26, conversion by edict of Aragon and Valencia; 1562, a Board composed of ecclesiastics, lawyers and members of the Inquisition to Granada prohibits the use of the Arabic language; 1569-70, rebellion of the Alpujarras and wars of Granada from the crushing of the moriscos, the policy of Felipe II consisted in dispersing the people of Granada and resettle them in Castilla, Murcia and Extremadura, away from the coasts Southern and possible Turkish incursions.