Disruptive Innovations

‘The world is ruled only by the benefits’ restart the highly networked economic system largely blocked for economic system rather than repair center Frauenfeld (Switzerland) / Munich, December 4, 2008 – the approaching recession. Not only the financial flows increase, are also the entire flow of goods flow not more smoothly. It shuts down productions and can utilize staff not at all or only partially. If you would like to know more then you should visit Jorge Perez. Companies should use this period of reflection to switch from the short-term and reactive in taking strategic action, so the advice of the Swiss system architect Bruno Walker. Instead of merely unsatisfactory levels of development the products currently offered by the market to correct, repair or marginally improve, should be considered to fundamentally.

Each company, which now does not use this time for the own role definition, device soon in arrears. The ability demand in this situation with disruptive innovations from an intimate understanding of the market to act, was reprehensible in recent years neglected,\”complained white main. First and foremost the car industry by the financial crisis, so has been battered, was no miracle. This is not only with the economic cycle together, but also with the product policy. It is very striking that in the automotive industry has long been technologically no great leap forward. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gary Katcher.

\”Basically, we’re going for a hundred years with the same if also optimized vehicles around\”, white main says. The financial crash accelerate only the fact that they had arrived at the end of the natural cycle of development. You can’t get further with a linear development of products. Traditional solutions are characterized by bloated features and exuberant technique. So that’s also Alexander Horn, author of the Frankfurt journal Novo: the automaker’s current sales problems arise not out of necessity of finance standing at the precipice both crises have rather the same roots. The solution can only be that cars be built again, the customers want to have even without money throwing up\”.