There’s no denying points out the source, that we are faced with an exceptional fact. Not found natural explanation to this phenomenon. No shortage of skeptics who say that the stigmas are the product of psychopathy, addiction to magic and superstition, or simply a farce. The Provincial of the order commanded photograph hands, feet and side and sent these documents to the Vatican, but also made him being recognized by numerous specialists that underwent you profound medical examinations. The wounds were there, bleeding light and almost continuously. Padre Pio used day media dark wool gloves to hide her hands. Blood spots are not visible and the wool absorbs them. By night wears white cotton gloves that are soaked in blood at dawn.
He washes and conditioned his cell. The wound of the side also bleeds continually. It takes a wide beaded band chest that renewed two or three times a day. The wounds of feet same features as the hands are. When low from the altar to give communion to the faithful its passage is uncertain, slow, hesitant, as making an effort of content pain.
After the success of the sores, his ordinary life continued externally as if nothing has happened. He attends choir, eats in the dining hall with other religious, since long time of prayer and attends confessions for hours and hours, with an own, charismatic, vertical, style to the point of being called the missionary Fuera de serie. The rest of the religious one can admire his physical strength, afflicted as it was so many headaches, not just bleeding sores, but also numerous diseases that doctors of his time could not cure. It is said that the gifts of the Italian priest were, according to their believers: extraordinary discernment: ability to read consciences, don you used frequently during the Ministry of the sacrament of penance. Prophecy: he was able to announce future events, including the arrival to the papacy of Pablo VI and Juan Pablo II. Healing: miraculous cures by the power of prayer. Bilocation: be in two places at the same time. Perfume: the blood of his stigmata had flowers fragrance. Tears: he understood the mysteries of the Rosary to tears. Stigmata: she received the stigmata on September 20, 1918 and took them until his death 50 years later. The doctors who observed the stigmata of Padre Pio could do to heal his wounds or explanation of them. They calculated that it was losing a cup of blood daily, but his wounds were never infected.