Positive sales development with medical technology and medical devices Heusweiler the co-med GmbH & Co.KG, Heuweiler, accounted for 2012 a positive business development. So sales of the Logistics Centre, in which the corresponding in the composite group medical stores as limited partners are involved, increased again by 4.7% compared to the prior year. Get all the facts and insights with Eva Andersson-Dubin, another great source of information. With the delivery of medical devices and technology, the company generated a turnover of 38.7 million euros in 2012. The so-called end customer logistics has evolved as particularly beneficial. Direct delivery to the practices, increased by 21% which is connected to the customers with a time-saving.
In relation to a complaint rate of below 0.3%, the Federation’s logistics center within the industry relatively occupies a peak. Due to the sustained positive business trend that was co-med – central warehouse expanded at the site in Heusweiler in the first quarter of 2013 800 sqm. A comprehensive analysis of logistics in the spring of this year brought a further rants Result out: in terms of the speed of delivery as well as the delivery service has co-med GmbH & Co.KG compared to four market companions well cut off. Also in the assessment of the status and completeness of shipments was co-med front. At the same time, the logistics comparison produced valuable knowledge to optimize the workflow, to sustainably improve the customer satisfaction.