We have told our news about the recent increase in cases of alien contact with representatives of flora and fauna in the uncharacteristic for them to habitats. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Bill Gates. But in this case, the catch of sea trout in Seine can only rejoice, because This 'choosy' fish to the water quality is not 'has registered' would in environmentally troubled river. Hence, Water quality in major river in Paris is really improving. But the Polish Vistula and Russian fishermen caught less Neve nice catch. Petersburg fisherman right in the heart of the northern capital at the bait caught … piranha. The fact that piranha could swim to the Neva itself – virtually impossible. The most likely her appearance in northern waters is seen in the fact that its just released a lover of exotic fish.
It is also obvious that the piranha was released in St. Petersburg river in that year, as harsh winters of the northern capital is unlikely this would thermophilic fish overwinter in the cold waters of the Neva. A couple of days earlier, a predatory fish piranha was found in the river Wisa in southern Poland. Beijing 2008 Olympics started: with the environment is OK on Friday, August 8, 2008, the capital of China officially launched major sporting event of the year – the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee believes that the Beijing city government kept their promise to improve the ecological situation in the city for the 2008 Olympics. Chairman of the Commission on the Environment IOC Paul Schmidt said that, despite all the challenges and difficulties China faces in its development, the city authorities have done everything possible to reduce harmful emissions and reduce pollution.