Food From China
It has been repeatedly noted that the quality of Chinese food is good, but the safety of products meets all international quality standards. Today, index of exports of quality food products from China to foreign countries exceeds 99% mark! According to experts in 2008, among the most consumed food in the lead export vegetable oil, fats and by-products, alcohol production, water harvesting products, grains, grocery products, meat and dairy products. Experts say that 90% of the quality and safety of Chinese products are flawless. According to statistics in the proportion of Chinese exports of food products in the U.S., the volume of quality products is 99, 2%, in Europe – 99.8%. According to the indicator, released by Japan in July this year, all exports of Chinese products into this country in 2006, 99.42% declared quality and safe. The last few years, economists record a steady overall growth of exports, an average of 20% per year.
In the nineties, the largest buyer of Chinese products were Japan, on the eve of the millennium – the U.S., since 2007 – Europe. The cause of this trend, experts say, lies in the growth of consumer sentiment in Europe. In 2008, China imported into the EU more goods than the United States. China's emergence as a global exporter to continue, analysts say. The advantage of China – Yuan tightly controlled – a strong competitive advantage in Europe, proximity to markets.
Therefore, the euro area Indicators can circumvent U.S. export to China but she does not soon rival. In addition, the Ministry of Commerce of China has recently developed a program for development of export of agricultural products for the period of 11th Five Year Plan, in which have a clear mandate to increase by 2010 the export value of Chinese agricultural products to 38 billion U.S. dollars at an annual growth rate of 7 percent. According to official statistics, in 2008, exports from China agricultural products was 27.2 billion U.S. dollars, or 3.6 percent of total exports. According to the World Trade Organization in 2008, China in terms of export of agricultural products ranked fifth in world, and China had 3.2 percent of world exports. In 2008, amid rising prices in the world exports of dairy products increased by 25% compared with the previous year and totaled $ 300 million. The average export price per tonne was $ 2501, which is 39% higher than the previous year. Exports of milk powder in 2008 grew by 2.9% to 64 thousand tons, accounting for 52.9% of total exports of dairy products. Also increased imports of dairy products, since Some buyers started to buy foreign products due to declining confidence in the domestic producers. Last year the country imported 351 thousand tons of dairy products worth $ 860 million. Major importers Chinese products in Hong Kong and Venezuela.