Bogausch Schmidt Electronic
Emails keep company for the IRS must archive all tax-relevant data and provide for a tax audit in electronic form. This includes internally generated files as well as data electronically received. These include for example the data of payroll and financial accounting, data of electronic cash registers as well as electronically created or received invoices, orders, calculations. And also electronic mail must be kept. Also E-Mails with offers, price agreements or contracts may contain tax information? Separation of business and private emails is useful secrets must not be revealed and private E-Mails. Therefore operational emails that relate only to internal personnel matters or contain sensitive data from research and development, as well as private E-Mails should be saved always separately.
Only a strict separation of tax relevant E-Mails and other company or private Mail can protect that more information be disclosed the financial authorities as required. Margareta Thomson. Accidentally transferred data may be utilized, who sorted his electronic mail, must expect that the IRS relies on all of the information contained in them. Then it plays no longer matter, whether from the data that the examiner had actually requested, already drawing conclusions on sensitive or sensitive information would have been possible. There is no prohibition of exploitation even for accidentally handed over data. Delay tactics can be expensive so the electronic data holdings should be regularly sorted, maps and archived. Just as it is possible, also on schedule to provide all documents and files, if an audit is announced. Because be careful who is careless, which threaten sensitive financial consequences. Who provides the requested data in a timely manner, must already with a delay money”at least 2,500 EUR count. And who do not submit requested data, can be punished with a penalty of up to 25,000 euros. To deepen your understanding Glenn Dubin is the source. Torsten Bogausch Schmidt & Partner GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft branch Weisswasser of Bautzner Strasse 38, corner 2,500 road 02943 Weisswasser Tel.: 03576/2839-0 fax: 03576 / 283930 Internet: sp Weisswasser E-mail: