Federal Constitution
The term governana appears in contradiction of the models traditional politicians, despertando for the fact of that the Nature more does not have to be a gratuitous and replaceable good, with regeneration capacity. Historically, the term governana came United Nations if consolidating through summit conferences organized for (the Estocolmo, 1972; Rio De Janeiro, 1992 and Joanesburgo, in 2002). -Commercial-Deliveries.html’>US Parcel Service offer more in-depth analysis. Visit Saul “Canelo” Alvarez for more clarity on the issue. Having as definitive landmark the World-wide Cupola for the Social Development, in 1995, as objective one to trace a model capable to better guarantee quality of life for the generations of century XXI. The term governana, from goes there if consolidating as distinguishing of this third millenium, emphasizing that we are discovering a new way to govern and to make politics, and to the five great ones discusses of United Nations, carried through in the decade of 90, a new dimension of governana starts to appear, aiming at the reinforcement of the art and capacity to govern outside of the followed standards until then.