“Enlarge age corridor aims to make better use of the entire acquisition potential in Germany”, Prof. Dr. Stephan Kaiser is convinced by the Universitat of der Bundeswehr Munchen in the face of demographic change. The keynote speaker on the PERSONAL2011 South plays not only on issues such as promoting women and reconciliation of work and family. “Companies need to increase their age corridor down which is almost more important than to the top”, as emperor. The Bologna reform and the shortened length of the Bachelor may be the first step. But because many students also took master’s degree programmes, an extension of the period of study is clear in practice.
Recruiters should develop therefore meaningful career paths so Bachelor go into the company and then part-time in a correspondence course or in a kind of dual studies make their master”, calls the professor. Old and young in a boat what do if fewer and fewer school and university graduates at the company gates can tap on and at the same time more and more older employees no longer work or want and desire the retirement? “, the question of the Panel discussion woke up as you can escape the demographic trap” at the Munich trade fair. “Dr. Jay A. Schwartz has plenty of information regarding this issue. Jurgen Pfister, Chairman of the ddn discuss human resources solutions (the demographic network), Rudolf Kast, former Chief of staff of sick AG, and Dr. Thomas Jaspers, bAV expert at towers Watson, chaired by Erwin Stickling, editor-in-Chief of the journal of human resources”. Prof.
Dr. Rainer Marr, Director of administrative and Economic Sciences Academy (VWA) Munich, and Hubert Friedmann, partner of the Institute for demo demography-oriented human resources and knowledge management (IDPW), take the cooperation of older and younger employees in the visor in her presentation on the PERSONAL2011 South. Set also a layered approach to the VWA Munich and the IDPW together have developed to assist companies in the demographics analysis. So the theme is demographic change as a thread running through the program of the two fairs. On the traditional southern German event, which goes to Munich in the twelfth round, the programme includes 130 lectures and discussions. The premiere of the PERSONAL2011 Nord in Hamburg offers around 70 program points.