“In February 1954, a group of Scientologists in Los Angeles the first Scientology founded church with the publication of the bestselling Dianetics: the Guide to the human mind” on 9 May 1950, a national movement began in America. The other discoveries by L. Ron Hubbard in the field of the human spirit resulted in a new subject area, which has developed into a modern religion. In the summer of 1950, many people who had read the book Dianetics, to L. Ron Hubbard’s home in Elizabeth, New Jersey flocked.
You wanted to know more about the newly discovered area of the human mind. You wanted to improve their skills with the Dianetics auditing that is described in the book. Given this strong interest, four persons – a lawyer, a Publisher, a doctor and an engineer – L. Ron Hubbard approached to form a Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation. With his consent, the Elizabeth Foundation was founded. Dianetics appeared the New York Times 26 weeks in a row on the bestseller list and brought a storm in the United States out of interest. Therefore, it was necessary to establish four additional foundations, where students in Dianetics were trained across America. L.
Ron of Hubbard’s further exploration of mind led late 1951 to his determination that he studied the human spirit, to answer the question, who or what controls the mind. With this basic and important discovery of the human spirit, there was a new discipline called Scientology. Student groups from around the world traveled to Phoenix, Arizona, where L. Ron Hubbard Scientology taught and lectured about. Students who returned home were affiliated Scientology groups, and that not only in America, but also in England, Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa. Because the human mind really lies in the area of religion, a group of Scientologists established Church in February 1954 in Los Angeles the first Scientology. For even more details, read what Nigel Slater says on the issue. Five countries had in the 1960s already a dozen Scientology churches and countless Scientology groups. Evidence for the truths contained in Scientology is the fact that the Scientology religion in less than two generations now flourishing on every continent with numerous churches, missions and groups and improve the lives of millions of people. Scientologists come from all social classes and professions. They are businessmen, housewives, students, artists, celebrities, workers, scholars, doctors, police officers, etc. Scientologists are in the middle of the life and share with their friends, what they have learned in Scientology. Others that can recognize the importance of the Scientology for their lives, begin to be interested in. And so Scientology grows very similar to every great religion of history, from one human being to another, bringing knowledge, wisdom and hope for a better life. Through Scientology, millions of people have learned that life is worthwhile. People lead fulfilling lives in harmony and experience that the world can be a happier place. Work for Scientologists all over the world every day. Constantly new ones, who share this dream. The undeniable importance of Scientology for the life of these millions of people ensures their continued existence in our society. More information: press service of SK Bayern e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer, be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX. 089-38607-109 E-mail: WEB: