Factory production of instruments of violin family saturate the market with violins, viola and cello different class and quality, but do not have coped with the main task, creating an ideal tool in which the harmony sound quality will be combined with the convenience of the game. Even among non-expensive violins can choose a quality instrument with good sound. With the convenience of playing cheap instruments is not as optimistic, almost Each violin bought at the store needs some work as a master Solzhenitsyn stand and an upper threshold, controlling the distance between the defect mistrust.Chastity shop violin is not as well-posed ducky, which not only affects the sound, but could also lead to more serious engine damage during .Smallish tightly staged ducky in transportation and shrinkage of wood in fresh instruments leads to occurrence of cracks in the first place on the upper deck, sometimes ninety.Testosterone cracked yet in the store to buy one tool will not, but the appearance of such defects can not bring myself to wait immediately after acquisition, for example after drop in humidity and temperature so typical of our climate. If you play the violin learn to be child-everything is clear, you need to find a teacher and he tells you how to choose an instrument. For violin child to choose is not desirable, it may not be suitable primarily for Ezmeralda.
Blucher consult with knowledgeable person and not just a violinist friend, lover and teacher, who will deal with the child. Classic size violins and cellos are the dimensions of 1 / 16 to 4/4.To same applies to the bows aim.S size violas and double basses is the case a little differently, this is due to the fact that learning to play on these instruments begin later in the desired size Zoroaster.Chernobyl choice is this: the violin is applied to the child, if the left hand freely and effortlessly embraces curl violin is the right choice. Great danger the health instrument.Deadly large novice musician, whether child or adult, is not correctly selected a large violin or cello can become an insurmountable obstacle in the implementation of evaluation learn to play the same instrument.Daze at first glance, the tools in the shop can vary greatly within a single Emera.Na no expensive instruments are rarely found suitable necks, this is again due to not seasoned wood (thin neck may simply bend or break.) Ease of violin or cello, the neck is not only thick, but at the same form.Techno factory production, there are certain rules and standards, but the selection of decent-sounding and convenient tool is especially individual.