Sometimes when we received a flattery we felt alagados, if the person than gives them more to us is of our esteem, giving is the most beautiful gift and if in this way we cheered to our resemblances Is still better. When we helped somebody, we are being generous, but we must do it of heart. When we shared the joys of our resemblances, by very difficult that this seems, we are sharing with that person its moment that stops she is special, doing it consists of letting flow all the spirit of generosity that we have and do it of a spontaneous and productive way. That it happens that when we shared joys we are abriendo us to receive a greater abundance, and in the measurement that we manage to do it our life will be changing in positive almost without giving account us. Like all person with virtues and defects, sometimes it costs much to give to us, still more if this is what we needed more, sounds stranger and contradictory like it is that we can be able to give what we needed more, and is there where is the true sense of all this, we felt fear of which what we give we pruned it to need in a while certain, and is that fear the one that often paralyzes to us, the ideal is to give without feeling fear, this is not obtained overnight, but it is possible to be obtained. The key is in seeing us like person able to be able to offer what our resemblances need, can be a good advice to a friend, a word of breath etc. As it says the old proverb you do the good and you do not watch to whom in that measurement is that we must be generous, is important that we help people those who we do not know, since that is the true challenge of this virtue, when we know the people is much more easy to help them to us, perhaps by the same fact we know that them already we know as they are his deficiencies and needs, the contario happens when we helped somebody that we do not know.