On Tuesday the Debate on the State of the nation are stretched longer than expected. They were our representatives excited about the work they were developing? It seems that the reason was simpler, and is that the next day they wanted to see the final of the Copa del Rey. Won’t get in demagogues about whether football than the situation in the country, most interests them because I believe that it is not, and what they have done is try to adapt their working hours to a leisure activity, hopefully we could do the majority of workers!, but isn’t that what you condemn them. What does not seem right is that do not prepare well the things, of printing that does not have a defined plan, or if they do, who have done so in a couple of evenings (which was the time I needed the then Minister Jordi Sevilla for teaching economics to Zapatero). We first putting in scene of the President. Zapatero has sought to adopt a presidential, serious, sedate tone, has acknowledged mistakes, and has made a number of proposals, which may like more or less, but they are an action plan. It has missed that come in some aspect, or that you were a little more (hence gives the impression of a hasty preparation), in others fall short (such as tax reduction of 5% in tax for small businesses that maintain or create jobs) but has been put on the table several options, encouraging the two sectors that generate more jobs (real estate and automobile), and looking for another productive, not based the housing bubble as the previous model at the same time (from 2011 disappears relief for home purchase, but does not remove those who have it already), and proposing a 20 billion euro sustainable economy Fund more 5,000 to another investment fund local, for environmental workstechnological and social. Taking all these proposals, Rajoy has dedicated itself to criticize (even there, perfect, is his right as the opposition party), but has fallen into the unnecessary disqualification when He argued that the parliamentary Socialists can’t read-, and what is worse, after be announcing last week that they would present an alternative to the crisis plan, perfectly articulated, and we all were waiting for, has been everything in water of Borage, what he has done is comment on the end of the debate that it would submit the plan, and that tomorrow is recorded in the lower House.
Why not took the debate to present it? It is not sufficiently convinced of the same? Are they so secret proposals? Part of the answer to these questions can be in the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament, perhaps Rajoy has considered that any of their proposals could harm him electorally before an appointment so close therefore, I think that he has squandered a superb opportunity present itself as a real alternative of power, and this also explains how despite the situation affecting the Spanish economy and discontent that existspolls give a technical tie between PP and PSOE, i.e. the PP It is not able to monetize it, despite his insistence, sometimes insistent. So from my point of view, and against the opinion of Rajoy, Zapatero has won this game clearly (or he has lost it).