It is not always obvious, but what seems to you a convenient and understandable to those inside can not quite be. You think about the site constantly and have a good understanding of its structure, while the user sees only one of dozens of tabs, which should immediately get his attention. The page should be informative, but not overloaded with unnecessary details, attractive, bright but not stridently – to find the optimal balance is not easy. Therefore, this stage of the project would be helpful to discuss with the developer already. It will help you prioritize, let you know what sections to make better on the home page, and what – to hide the menu, how best to build the page.
In general, help you make the site attractive and easy to use. In this question better to professionals – it relies on statistics and extensive experience. 4. Profession. In creating the site involved a lot of people whose performance is not always visible to the naked eye, but none however, directly affects the quality of the whole site. On different projects can work people of different professions, their participation can also vary, but generally, their backbone is constant.
Dwell on them in detail. Manager project – the main figure in the creation of the site. The person who works directly with the customer and manages the process of creating the site. On its competence depends on how well he can understand your desires and adapt them for the performers as well as possible – and send in the right direction, make adjustments on the first stage of development.