The Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany presents photovoltaic consulting from a single source FRANKFURT, may 06th, 2011 solar purchase, the photovoltaic sales mark of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH (SGBDD), presents 2011 in Munich their intelligent system solutions on the Intersolar Trade fair. The world’s largest trade show for solar technology will take place this year from June 8 to 10. At the same time gives the exhibition team of solar purchase in hall A6, booth 330, information about the shop-in-shop concept with more than 60 locations in Germany and the new partner program of SolarkaufPlus for plumbers and craftsmen. “” The comprehensive and unique network allows the customers to itself under the slogan everything from one hand “to inform in your area and visit all photovoltaic components in an exhibition: from the module inverters and security technology up to the connection cable everything directly to the touch”. Also, specially trained experts available, are available at the locations which comprehensively the prospects and competent advice. “The range of quality products offered at the sites is wide: Shirin has solar purchase through an innovative brand that intelligently manage energy in accordance with the guiding principle” provides a simple and perfectly coordinated system as a powerful alternative at an affordable price.
The special advantage of our exclusive brand luxra is, that the solar prospects intact from a House a modern and future-oriented system solution”, emphasises Karl-Ulrich Kalex, Sales Director photovoltaics at SGBDD. In addition, solar purchase has also products and system solutions for well-known brands in the product range. The system provider also has a nationwide and growing network of investors, who assume the proper installation of the photovoltaic system on the spot. As part of the SGBDD solar purchase can also draw on the combined resources of the umbrella brand: customers benefit in this way secured material deliveries, a fast logistics concept and positive Cost effects due to large quantities. In addition, construction interested at all solar purchase locations receive expert advice available in total construction of the Saint-Gobain Group for private and professional customers, ranging from the brick to the garden fence. About SOLAR purchase solar purchase is a trademark of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, the construction industry’s leading retailer in Germany. In around 60 exhibitions the solar specialists rely on photovoltaic to touch in its own shop from the inverter module to Accessories. Solar purchase is exclusive distributor of the price-attractive brand luxra, a complete system for solar power generation. In addition, solar purchase has a nationwide network of investors, ensuring a quick and professional installation of photovoltaic systems. Neil cole helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Get more information at