Guide and action for an interactive game (pk-k) play is fun! And that can change the world even more, when you play with others and thereby at the same time. 1000 times five hours for better life”is an interactive game for the 14th of February the first 1000 gamers and players start searching. Then can be started with a simple and easily understandable Guide to, to make their own lives and the world a little better. Bad news oppress and make it passive. Good news and experiences arouse joy of life, encourage and create desire to try new. It’s not hard to put good ideas into small projects into action. Man creates himself and others to immediately and simple joy. One is active, bring color into your life and perhaps discovered that can much more, as it has always believed.
The experience, to make others just a joy, with the own abilities – just not because you will be pushed to or paid for it, brings new energy and life in the Day. The idea of the action 1000 times, five hours for that better life”was built in the Coinstatt cooperation ring when you are asked what you probably could do to counterbalance the forever bad news, transported by the media in everyday life. Many people looking for ways that you can get from the passive participation to an active shaping of life and the world. The American Paul Ray calls them the creatives”and thinks that people who actively engage, instead of just criticizing. Of such people, there are many millions worldwide and there is sometimes just a small suggestion, to fully awaken the creative potential. The hand book to play with is so constructed that enables new experiences in small lessons and tasks, it is as beneficial in the small, private setting, together with family or friends on the improvement of life to participate. It shows how everyone can start in their everyday lives to be creative culture.
The game itself takes at the same time from the idea into action: not all life needs to be changed, but five pleasant and happy hours are the beginning, will be a big pulse together with all other players. 1000 times five hours for better life”the book belongs to in addition to the small manual with the instructions to the game more than money” parallel appears in the FLENSBURGER books publishing house and in by various authors much informative it is together, how and where people have already begun with what ideas to improve the world. Schwermer and Veronika Spielbichler are represented in the book under other Helmut Creutz, Johannes Heimrath, Prof. Margrit Kennedy, Dr. Werner Peters, Heidemarie. It ecovillages, Exchange groups, environmental groups and garden projects are presented as well, such as ways to active influence on life through neighborly help and volunteering for local tasks. 1000 times five hours for better life”creates opportunities to rediscover active, creative culture and especially playful in particular way the world (and himself). Interested parties can sign up now at the Coinstatt cooperation ring.