The opinion Research Institute Forsa interviewed health insurance (TK) to January 2013 on behalf of technicians 1000 adults. (…) Because many lack the time to eat, the food is way up in the course. “French fries or a pizza tongue to go” especially the 18-to 25-year and people with high level of education and income are useful. A daily self cooked meal there only in the half of all German households. Finished reports such as bags soup or ready-made pizza are faster and easier. “Mainly men and young adults indicating that they not think before the stove frequently because they lack the time or the inclination.”?Then one wonders that the food is all before you correctly perceived it.
You eat too much, too fast, careless, without pleasure. Our Tip: eat in peace, on a table, without distraction by the media – meal the with pleasure (even if it fails me not quite as healthy or slightly kalorienreicher as wanted) …lieber Sin once with pleasure, as always some regret and be angry (because stress is a vitamin killer and stress hormones make you turn FAT). People drug sugar – effects on our body? Sugar has many negative effects on the body. Studies have shown that sugar served the same receptors in the brain as cocaine, nicotine, caffeine. Sugar is addictive! From childhood! How can you test that? Try to get three days without sugar.
Is it very difficult you? You can be aggressive, tired, unfocused? Sneak constantly through the apartment, until you have eaten something sweet? If you don’t get through the first day, you are completely under the spell of the sugar addiction… Sugar makes limp, without drive, tired, depressed and sick! Many intestinal fungi love sugar. The pancreas has to work constantly and begins a vicious cycle. Some have fluctuating blood sugar levels and thus repeatedly cravings throughout the day.