Thus it is with the woman If you do not liven up it with entertainments, with kisses, caresses and touch, you will not get of it what you desire. You will not feel no pleasure in sharing its stream bed. Not despertars in its heart nor inclination, nor affection and nor love for you. all these qualities will remain occult. The greco-roman culture and customs and sexual symbols of the antiquity mythology Greek, with its deuses of passions and characteristics human beings, presents one of the richest repositories of practical, sexual customs and symbols that in them had been legacies, also the vocabulary. For example: ' ' ertico' ' it comes of Eros, the god of the love, ' ' afrodisaco' ' of Afrodite, goddess of the beauty, and hundreds of other expressions adopted for the Medicine and Psychology to call the factors related with the sex, the emotion and the love. Exactly in the most remote antiquity, the prostitution of religious character, said ' ' sagrada' ' , it was an instrument of being able religious politician or, to keep controlled ' ' fogo' ' sexual, and especially one of manifestations more ' ' perigosas' ' , or what it badly imagined to be the one biggest one, the pederasty. With effect, the homossexualismo was essential part of the emotional and cultural life of old Greece, especially in Atenas and Corinto, during the golden time of the culture Greek, the century of Pricles, in 5 AEV.
The helenos believed the bissexual nature of the human being, belief by the way old and arraigada. Apolo was male-female, the Egyptians believed that some of its deuses were masculine for the front and feminine for detrs, or the human times for the front and animals for detrs. Babilnia one gives credit that the first men bred had a body and two heads, a masculine and another feminine one, what he means that the sexos would also have agencies of both; Shiva, the Hindu semigoddess, half-woman, was a sexuada deity doubly and one exegese of the Talmud of understanding that Adam, before Eva, would be hermaphrodite, that is, would contain in itself the attributes of both the sexos.