QTom introduces the electro/dance channel and thus completes the genre field. Hamburg, December 17, 2009: After the introduction of the genre channels for pop, rock and hip hop/r’n ‘ B fans launches QTom now the next channel for electronic music. Sela Ward has much to offer in this field. This time the first customizable music television is supported by the scene: blank & Jones lead to the premiere in a special through their personal clip hit list. The DJ and producer team has 13 top 50 singles and seven top 50 albums to the creme de la creme of electric & dance scene. With this extraordinary special the fourth from the first twelve planned thematic channels on all net TV is now TV and air on the Web at. For us who have grown up with MTV, then of course also VIVA witnessed have already over 25 music videos have turned and it is very exciting to see how the music television these days is changing”, so Jan Pieter Blank blank & Jones. With QTom you not just can surprise but also even interactively enter into the program, and with control. His partner Rene adds Runge QTom turn”.
“” For us was important, that artists take over the sponsorship of the channels, not only in their respective areas are musically outstanding, but also “contribute to the development of the medium of music video”, one of the two founders of the music channel, the cooperation established Oliver Koch,. Blank & Jones we have landed a direct hit”. With rock, pop, hip hop & r’n ‘ B channels and now the launch of the electro/dance channels offer a contemporary forum we fans and artists of this musical currents. For more information see this site: Sofar Sounds. The enthusiastic response of the community on the introduction of the genre channels confirmed that personalization is key to the renewal of music television”, attracts QTom with managing director Tobias Frohlich as conclusion. Unexpected collaborations with Robert Smith (the cure), Anne Clark and Sarah McLachlan, have found fans well beyond the dance area, blank & Jones. The high artistic standards of their videos is also unusual for artists of the genre: the duo worked together with top model Estella Warren, actor Til Schweiger and Nadine Warmuth. End of October presented the fantastic four an enthusiastic music community the newly launched pop channel and led with an exclusive material through 20 years of band history.
Veteran of Kool Savas the sponsorship of the hip hop & r’n ‘ B-channel took over just a few weeks later. Bela B led to the introduction of the rock channels through his personal universe and presented an alternative version of his latest videos exclusively on QTom. At the same time, they let it RIP punk rockers Billy talent on a purpose-built special correctly. With introduction of the dance & Elektro channel, the viewer finally within this genre can customize the program about three simple knobs his individual taste. About QTom your music rules! QTom offers Viewers to access the opportunity itself easily in the music program and via rotary knob to fit your own taste. The content is supplied by the music labels and broadcast in high audio and video quality via stream in the IPTV television or the Web browser. The concept of QTom provides advertising sales and is free for the Viewer. Through a targeted wishes of the individual music QTom enables accurate operation of predefined target groups of advertisers. A commercial-free premium model is in planning.