With ambiguous speech of guardianship and metafrico to transform ' ' ingnuos' ' in workers ' ' livres' ' of the same property where its parents were enslaved (ZERO, 2010), it was an infantile pseudorelease. The law established two possibilities for the children who were born free: to be to the cares you of its parents until the 21 years of age or you deliver to the government (ZERO, 2010). Clearly that the first alternative was most common since would benefit you that they could use the hand of workmanship of these ' ' livres' ' until the 21 years of age. About no moment, it was thought about a benefit for the maternity of this slave. Everything not to cause impact in the escravagista economy.
After the approval of this law that was ' ' but one sonho' ' , infantile mortality increased gradual. The dissatisfaction caused a natural disinterest on the part of you on the just-born children. Valley to stand out despite ' ' this period was marked by deep economic, social transformations and politics, that had contributed for the construction of the history of the black and enslaved family, as well as of infancy brasileira' ' (ZERO, 2010, P. 15). In 28 of September of 1885, it was sancionada second, the Law of the Sexagenarians or Hail, born of a project of Rui Barbosa whose name made a homage to member of the house of representatives saint-amarense Jose Antonio Hail, the Baron of Cotegipe.
It more than foresaw the release of the slaves with sixty years. They, however, would have gratuitously to work more five years Mr. for a reason or purpose indemnity. This law? considered as one ' ' bad trick of gosto' ' since the majority of the captives did not have this supervened expectation of? it was only plus a palliative solution that also did not eliminate the captivity.