The etymology of the word Almanac and its exact origin is unknown. The Almanac has been defined as catalogue that includes the distribution of the year into months, weeks and days; with astronomical data and other news. Some scholars say that Almanac is derived from the Greek Manakos, meaning during the months; others say that it derives from the bass Greek Almonakonn; others that comes from the low latin Almanachus; There is a majority who think that it comes from the Arabic, of the article to the and Mana which means computing. By Almanac, we mean a calendar that contains news (scientific, literary, artistic, anecdotes, notions of agriculture, statistics, efemenides, tips, etc.) The difference of the calendar with the calendar is calendar contains only days of the year placed neatly by months and weeks, indicating the festivities, the solar time, the phases of the Moon, stations, eclipses and atmospheric changes; While Besides these data Almanac contains all other matters referred to above. The almanacs have met in all the civilizations of antiquity, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, etc. In its origins, before the tablets or laptops stones, we find them in public monuments.
The Chinese and Jews were known from ancient times. In the tomb of Ramses IV, in the thirteenth century BC Thebes, has been found a chronological Almanac, in which archaeologists have been stroked the indications of the stars visible from Thebes, with expression of the different hours of the night that appear in every two weeks during the year. Athens has been found a low relief, which was part of an almanac in which appear three agonotetes u agonotetas (title given among the Greeks to a magistrate who presided over the acclaimed games to some God or hero that proclaimed the victors and distributed awards. They were responsible for reviewing the works Theatre).In you will find quality items checked for your personal and spiritual development (computing, health, Depotes, entertainment, languages, painting, and more.