Basics of reconstructed constitutional and State system for the Austrian cultural policy are turning points of time the most interesting investigation matters for the jurist, in particular the legal historian probably, because they usually produce legal forms and legal content in many ways. In addition, that at these times / during these periods especially the social, cultural, political and economic primer has an even clearer elaboration of legal matters of consequence. Focuses on the constitutional and administrative law with the re-establishment of Austria in the year 1945, so the interest is focused mainly on the State’s capacity to act, the reinstatement of the Federal Constitution Act and the creation of a constitutional temporary. Here adopted foundations right historically, also almost hundred years later have a certain significance. This development will now be published in the series of LawLeaks. Restoration of the multi-party system and steering the Economy of scarcity in addition is also diverse scientific interest for the restoration of the Democratic party system and the steering of the post-war economy of scarcity. In contrast, yet far too little explored seems the cultural sector of 1945 and its nursery areas and Hort beings, non-formal youth education, education, economics and adult education, culture, science and research.
In just this way multi-layered legal inventory and its variety of standards represents a real treasure trove for history, politics and law. Film industry Act, stage contract law and event operating the provisional Government of the Republic of Austria adopted three central standards, which represented the beginning of cultural policy and cultural justice in the second Republic on 10, 24 and 27 July 1945 with the film industry Act, the stage service contract Act and the event operation law. The term culture derives originally from the Latin and means literally translated Treatment or care. Figuratively the term describes culture the ways of life of a people, as they manifest themselves in his intellectual and artistic statements as well as in its relationship with nature and the design of its Habitat.