Valdely Days of Arajo Barbosa (UFCG) Summary: The present article searchs to reflect concerning the right to play in the Infantile Education, as well as analyzing as the educators of the infantile institutions in the city of Hope PB, conceive this right guaranteed for Law to the children. To carry through this study, some norteadoras readings of some authors had been made, namely: Bomtempo (2005), Wedge (1998), Kishimoto (2003). One searches documentary, where official documents had been analyzed that conduct the infantile education: the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988), the Law of Lines of direction and Bases for the National Education LBD 9394/1996 n and the National Curricular Referencial for the Infantile Education (1998). one field research where the four educators of the related city had been applied questionnaires, beyond participant comment. Through this study and of the research carried through with the citizens educators one perceives that playing he is something that goes beyond simple practical an educative one carried through in the patios of the Infantile Institutions of this city, is a relation that comes since the birth of the baby until arriving in all the phases of its development. Word-key: Infantile education. To play.
Right of the child. INTRODUCTION The present intitled study ‘ ‘ Conceptions of educators on the right to play in the Infantil’ Education; ‘ , it has as main focus to observe as the educators of the city of Hope are promoting playing as process of infantile development with the children of Day-care centers and Daily pay-schools. We perceive that this subject still needs to be argued between parents, educators and the pertaining to school scope.