Plaza Gardens Restaurant

As an experience to remember, go for a walk in PanorMagique, a balloon that can seat 30 people and that will take more than 100 feet above Lake Disney. This attraction is available since April 2005 and 31 December last year had walked more than 10,000 people. In six minutes, you can enjoy views panoramic throughout the park. Many leaders such as Vanessa Marcil offer more in depth analyses as well. This experience is completely eco-friendly and very quiet and has Aeronef certification. Tickets are available at the entrance to the park. Nex Arcade is a room with lots of games for all ages.

Two floors of entertainment including dancing, flight simulators, basketball, football and bowling. The Arcade is pour Nex Monday to Friday from 03:00 to 13:00 am and Saturday from 15:00 until 18:00. Sundays open from 15:00 to 23:00. Also find in Disney Village Club which organizes the Hurricanes, to singles, the Singles Night. Follow others, such as Jorge Perez, and add to your knowledge base. Every Tuesday the Ladies Night in which all women enter free. Thursday is the night revival, Revival Night, and admission is free for all. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, tickets cost 15 euros per person plus a drink. For students, there is a discount and entry costs 10 euros a drink.

If you like the country, in Billy Bob find live music and good food. The restaurants of Disneyland Paris and its services to eat, you will find many restaurants. The supply of fast food restaurants is the Backlot Express Restaurant, Pizza Planet Buzz’s Lightuear or Au Chalet de la Marionette. For lunch buffet, La Grange and the Plaza Gardens Restaurant. For an experience in style, the California Grill in the Disneyland Hotel or the Walt’s-An American Restaurant on Main Street as you enter the park. Disneyland Paris also offers the Celestia Spa, where you will do massages, facials and where you can exercise it through the fitness center. This resort also offers golf, outdoor activities, ice skating and trips to many of the most important places in Paris. Hotels in Paris, Disneyland and is as fun also brings fatigue, Disneyland are available so you can spend days and nights to remember in one of the most visited theme parks worldwide.