Marion Consoir

The new service, the copywriter and psychological consultant Marion Consoir is aimed at people who want to stick or work on their personal development in a crisis people new search service from the Advisor copywriter for advice. Reader feedback led to the extra service behind Advisor Marion Consoir, which follows with passion and heart of their vocation is. The trained psychological consultant works freelance as a copywriter and stands facing the people who want to stick or work on their personal development in a crisis with their extra service. By the Advisor, I write, I get often positive feedback from readers. Many wish a counselling of people seeking advice in writing to express their worries and problems”, Marion Consoir is reported. Life coaching in writing a counseling e-mail has many advantages: there are no set dates. The person seeking advice can choose the time, when he wants to read the mail and write.

The written Advice, exercise suggestions and tasks of life be ratin can be found again and again. The person seeking advice must adapt to a foreign environment, so anxious, highly sensitive or insecure people can more easily open. The process of self-reflexion begins writing up concerns and problems with the. Especially for the people who better in writing than orally can share with, the life advice by email represents a valuable guidance”, the adviser said. Getting to know is online an email consultation proceeding not completely anonymous. Marion Consoir offers its clients the option to have a first conversation via skype. Using video conversation is a face-to-face communication possible and after this first encounter, she decides Council outreach person, whether they take a life consulting would like to or not.