We are friends of our environment or fight for the friendship with our environment. In our lives we make the daily routine of our existence or we are confronted with it. The art of poetry and inspiration that precedes it is anywhere. The things we experience become poets and aesthetic life experiences project the creation of a poem with sounds of words in keeping with the originality and the type and idiosyncrasies of our personal identity. That identity must be genuine, expressing the secret of what we are vibrating aesthetically original and unique with our own style, loyal to the realization that it becomes the truth that the style is the man, male or female but always finding and expressing the poet only that we are in our poetry. The symbols of our language are converted to images of our fantasy harmonized with the splendor of nature, the cosmos great or small subtly. Perhaps born of ourselves with our inner world of experiences mood characterized by our personal and interpersonal insight, perhaps we find ourselves creatively extroverts. In the case of this first sonnet I chose something that I love, thinking that the mission of poetry is singularly relations aimed at the experience of the sublime through the well-known and classic symbol of the star, suggesting our grandeur. In our powder and our sludge and through them may be high inviting feel all beings to the flight of the universe, to which we consciously make our mutual greatness. Then propose peace as a link that makes humans into living mirror, reflecting on the poetry that we are the poem is the universe.