Land, when reading this so majestical name what it comes the head. Many think that it is the planet land where we live and other pure ignorants simply say that it is land where we step on, good both are certain in this. It is really the name land has some meanings, but one that we not even speak or cite and we are rare the people who cite. But pure the meaning is life, but pear there what it has to see land with life? This so distant word goes to live side by side. We human beings that inhabit this so pretty planet are rich in natural resources, nor we give the attention what ' is occurring with it; ' terra' ' our level of natural resources is finishing in a ferocity and us nor less we pass for the head this, that such people to be move, raises of this sofa and we go the fight, only we to only make our part does not advance but some fools Doctors that to be find we superior say ' ' let us make our part and the world goes is melhor' ' Lie this, to be we to see our nose alone go we are each year, each decade, each century, each millenium until does not remain no resources them beings livings creature to usufruct in sharing way.
Then that we change our habits and yes it matters with others and with them it makes hein? I can not be one of these doctors or even though influential and rich people, I am only one student of biology that to be matters as our planet that we live. It is my dream is to make a partnership with perpetual, but he is clarified well that is not with company and nor governmental and yes with greater of that ' is the half-environment but directly; ' terra' ' this partnership would be way of sharing of of the one to receive, as it says phrases pretty but however modest, (extends hand without to look at to another one) why these current ways the human beings seem bandos of sanguessugas that they take off and they take off and nor same of it a possibility in return to live want, it are to make a net sharing with all being-human beings, who each one has obligation to take care of of the land. Of this already I am thankful all, this I was my first article and with certainty it does not go to be I finish.