The ART TO WRITE OF Each one In an interview of the Argentine philosopher contemporary Jose Pablo Feinmann, who was recommended by my friend journalist and writer to me Marlon Aseff, said the philosopher who detests? blogs? (‘ ‘ Pelotudo Cualquier tiene one blog! ‘ ‘) spoke of those people who, in the impossibility to have its writings published in reviewed periodicals or, create blogs and in them they write in the hope of that she reads somebody them, but do not fall in itself of that its texts, to the times, can be too much flat, me the difficult quality, intelligent or to read. I give to the Argentine philosopher reason, of that good and bad writers exist, but on the other hand I know of the formalities and fractures with whom if they coat the ways of access of certain periodicals or magazines that if judge important excessively e, as such, demand of an unknown writer credentials, sponsorships or letters of recommendation to publish a substance, exactly they recognize that it as good, well based writing and.
This, by the way, is not of today. It happened at the beginning of its careers with great writers and all they are unanimous in recognizing that the way of the writer is a difficult way, arduous and solitary. Joo Antonio (1937-1996), So Paulo writer, after having lost in a fire the manuscripts of its first book, had the patience and the arduous task to rewrite it, locked up in a library. this second version, according to it, left what the first one better. On the act to write, Arthur of the Table (1936-2008), one of the biggest writers of our time, said the following one: ‘ ‘ To write is to remain hours, days and years in the hope of the meeting, today, tomorrow or after deceased, with some people or many souls sisters with who to syntonize, what impossible it was with the majority of the people, even though with who if conviveu.’ ‘ One gotten passionate for literature and music, Arthur of the Table in them left this phrase that also is a wise recommendation: ‘ ‘ Music is interior life, and who has interior life never will suffer of solido.’ ‘ How much to write well or badly, it is another thing.