Human Capital Institute

Economic, environmental and social factors such as violence, crime, traffic, relationship problems or family members, are some of the major social phenomena that occur increasingly frequently in big cities generating among the population, the so-called: work-related stress. According to figures released by the Secretariat of health (SSA), Mexico is no stranger to this trend, by contrast, represents one of the more tangible examples to occupy second place within countries with highest rates of work-related stress, only behind China. Currently it is estimated that you between 30 and 40 percent of the Mexican population suffers from this condition, the main consequences derive in psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, besides that it can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart problems. and the Human Capital Institute, studies indicate that today, the employers are aware that employees may have symptoms of stress and suffer from low morale, this is due in large part to the lifestyle to which they are subjected. There’s no denying that the 2008 crisis, the recession of 2009 and the beginning of recovery in 2010, coupled with the rhythm of life that lives in large cities, have been a determining factor in the increased rates of work-related stress both employers and employees. However, the foregoing gives rise to patterns implement best practices that optimize the organizational climate, through to listen better to their employees and make communication a priority, says Arturo Rosales, Manager of In this regard, Arturo Rosales highlights some areas where employers can be focused to decrease the levels of stress among its employees: communication: lack of communication creates anxiety which is reflected in the productivity.

Through the communication honest and consistent with its employees, the message is sent from that all are working together to solve problems. (Similarly see: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City). Professional development: Continue the growth and development of its employees. To perform this type of investment to identify and improve their skills, are are increasing the odds that employees remain at the company. Flexibility: Provide that persons have the space they need to maintain a good quality of life. Implementing measures, such as; flexible schedules, telecommunications, shared work and the possibility of short permissions. Delegate: Boosting the power of decision between the people who do the work. Not only exalts persons, but it shows them confidence and courage by the employer. Companies that invest in their people now, will be a step forward in their working talent retention. These conclusions come from a study conducted by Monster and HCI between May and June 2009 to 5000 employees and more than 700 companies in the United States of America.