Happy Mother’s day by: Lcdo. Martin Zambrano Astudillo of the occurrence of human life on the planet do not have but two major theories that attempt to on the one hand, from the dogmatic vision – wishful thinking deeply idealistic- and, secondly, from the retoricismo – identificadamente materialist – scientific logic, hold that human life had peculiar origins as diverse. This open controversy between theories dissimilar abysmally has allowed that men and women – common and simple – this planet, scarcely able to understand or confuse us to die in these almost indecipherable ambivalences. So we have to humans, according to creationism, as the result of a clay sculpture molded in the likeness of God and stemmed to life with puff or Almighty breath of the same the appearance of animals on the face of the Earth had a different connotation-; While, the scientistic theory of evolution, we related to a schweitzerbart’sche species or similar to the chimpanzee than anthropoid It evolved to the current mono, is to say to the man. For this reason we are, apparently – with all respect-, real monkeys or political, social, and emotional animals on the existential stage; unquestionably smart but very little thoughtful beings.
But in the end, before the intellectual initiative I guide you to theorize about whether hen definitely – preceded the egg, as a player Agency, should I do an emphasis on the unique and major precursor of all the known species and about jump other than creationism and evolutionism – on this globe, the mother. The mother, as we all know and recognize but very few appreciate, is the most perfect being existential nature – for instance Dios or the evolutionary leap towards life pre and post-biotica – and thanks to her, all known species, especially men, have been able to multiply on the planet. Sadly diminished by a decadent pro-machista historical philosophy women, from divine or cosmogonic conception, as a mother, is a human being invaluable o valuable special, no doubt. The great matriarchal contribution of women to the history of human demographic multiplication, mainly – from primitive cultures until the present day, has been the cornerstone that settle the moral and ethical precepts of the family in the global society; unmatched ontological and emotional sensitivity of the woman, as a mother, has allowed the whole of humanity move forward and develop perfectivamente in different stages or socio-political and economic systems until now. It, on its own merits, has managed to maintain with great zeal and stashed the immense responsibility assigned by its very nature biological and emotional for good manners and good live perfectiva civilized society that we crave to experience every day. Without their active participation social cell which is the family would collapse to unimaginably unsuspected extremes. Thanks to her, all forms of human socialization is productive and purposeful; Thanks to her culture common, artistic and intellectual, melts, new, positive and spontaneous socializing perspectives that inteligencian emotional development and the different positive expressions of the human being. Our recognition and undying support, not only the mother but to women as such, so that pro-machista culture desarraigue of the traditional patriarchal society and the space where it belongs for own merit to be assigned. Happy Mother’s day. Original author and source of the article.