Saviani (1992, P. 7), one of the exponents of the philosophy of the Brazilian education, in its description-critical pedagogia, of marxist recital, so only recognizes in the after-modern effect of a time of ' ' fragmentao' ' ' ' superficialidade' '. A period of ' ' decay of cultura' ' , of ' ' esvaziamento of the pedagogical work in escola' ' , at last, it would be plus a half ardiloso of the ideological production? after-capitalist? to hide the perception of the men regarding the historical development. The individual after-modern is consumista, problem that after-modernismo brought, due to the high degree of sophistication of the armories of seduction and domain, compelling the subject to one to consume. It is hedonista, it believes that the individual and immediate pleasure is the purpose of the life; becoming still narcisista; the people if had never worried in such a way about the physical beauty forgetting even basic principles of the society occidental person. This if would give according to Oliveira (1995), for the fact of that the after-modern condition would happen in the interior of postindustrial societies, of informatizadas societies. The sensation of the individual after-modern is of irrealidade, niilismo and confusion. The current world is represented by simulacro, information, consumption, individualism.
It swims has definitive identity. after-modernismo threat to today incarnate styles of life and philosophy in which viceja a had idea as arqui-accident with the total incredulity in the human beings and the life. The nothing, the emptiness, the absence of values and of felt for the life have servant, as Baudrillard (1968), Jameson (1984) and Lyotard (1974), a confused society, with fragmented individuals. Baudrillard (1968, apud SOBRAL and GONALVES, 1996, P. 48) says that: Already it is not possible to separate the economic domain or productive of the domnios of the ideology or the culture, because the cultural devices, the psychic images, representations and until the feelings and structures had become part of the economic world.