In group G2CA ' was also indicated with 33% the concept; ' genetic structure modificada' '. These data disclose that the participants of Group G2CA, explanaram its concepts due to the activities theoretician-practical that they had been developed on transgnicos. Of these activities plantations of not transgnicas seeds of transgnica soy had been demonstrated and, thus contributing for the learning of the participants on the transgnicos. The development of these activities also contributed so that the participants of group G2CA changed its conceptions when they had been questioned to answer the question ' ' you consumed some transgnico' '. They had been cited by the participants, in a bigger number examples, the transgnicos foods as the soy, vegetables, maize and fruits, when compared with group G1CA where the majority did not know to exemplificar transgnicos foods. These data disclose that the participants of Group G1CA were outdated how much the concepts related to the transgnicos and the activities had contributed in significant way for the learning participant them it group G2CA.
The data had disclosed that the participants of Group G2CA had also demonstrated agreement when they had been stimulated to answer on concepts related to Biotechnology, what it can be observed in the increase of correct and partially correct answers of Group G2CA when compared with Group G1CA. The majority of the participants of group G2CA with 52% of frequency if appropriated of concepts as ' ' They are techniques that use biological systems for attainment of produtos' ' , when compared with Group G1CA where 55% had not known to answer the question. The appropriations even indicate that the participants of Group G2CA had changed its conceptions on Biotechnology, appropriating of scientific concepts in its answers. Therefore, other studies disclose that the answers nor always are enough to indicate that the participant if appropriated of the concept in order to generalize it in other situations (Pedrancini et.