Creo, because I feel, and I reason envelope which I feel, and I create. The theology I teach myself to reason on the faith fact, to locate it in the context and to analyze it, because the faith is maintained with the reason and the reason is maintained with the faith. Close friend mine. If, close because your friendship this put in the entrails of my heart. You ask something to me that can respond only it one same from its own experience. I can tell my experience you if that satisfies you in something.
This life is beautiful, and more beautiful she will be the future one. Also you ask to me where the day goes all our knowledge that we leave this world. But the impression does not occur me that you want to take me by the reflection previous to our conversation. Others including star actress, offer their opinions as well. referring to History . It is logical that all the knowledge of a person, if writing and deposited in some place is not left, takes it to the tomb. It is as well as history becomes of a person and a town, and because not to say it of the world. But I insist.
My history must be a history of constant overcoming, the history of a person who wanted to know and to know more and more. Something I also create important to comment, is the referring thing to that we always when we felt distressed by something, become these questions. I also have a problem with your comother Adriana, that tells you suddenly but ahead, abusing our confidence. Each marriage is a different world, everyone with its problems. If you want to continue sharing with me your restlessness with respect to this subject, I will always be present for escucharte, or to read your letter, to be able (I do not mean aconsejarte), because that I finish seems as if I to me was saying I am better than your I would say rather to be able acompaarte, and together to learn to live what it is called on to us to live. Daro, friend mine, not if it will be the case, but I do not want that you are in favor sad of no reason, I want that you see the life, as it is, beautiful live it, and thinks that always there is people who want to us and she considers to us as we are, people who are prepared to accompany us in our pains and sadnesses. And now it touches to me. I wait for not haberte crushed with my letter.