This discovery explains why some people age faster, and others – slowly, why the body odnogodok in its internal, or as experts say, the biological age can differ by 5-10 years or even more. – American professionals have found genes that are responsible for the conduct decent men in society. It turned out that for such traits as being courteous and raised in regard to women, the genes responsible, and not just education, as is commonly believed. – Scientific staff of the Institute of Psychology, University of London King's College during the research created a genetic map of the talent, finding a group of 200 genes that affect the intellectual human abilities. – And scientists at Emory University in the U.S.
state of Georgia, approached the problem of intelligence on the other side and discovered a gene nonsense. As a result, mice in which the gene is turned off, have become smarter. Thus, it turns out that all of us programmed from health to all of our traits. Yet not all scientists are so adamant in this. For example, biologist Bruce Lipton, author of the bestselling 'The Biology of Belief', believes that traditional science incorrectly displays forces controlling our lives. Considering the cell as a human body in miniature, and the interaction between cells – in accordance with what is happening in society, it is a result of his research concludes that what is happening in the macrocosm is displayed in a microcosm, and we are not victims of our genetic programming.