What do you say psychologists online? online psychologists, are therapists who we serve a psychological, flexible, dynamic, and qualified, using for this purpose, the technology of the Internet. Filed under: Jorge Perez . The Internet has become a tool or instrument that can be used for what we want to take advantage of it, we can devote ourselves to networking, to play, acquire information, develop our profession, acquire knowledge or services, growing personal or professional level. online psychologists, give us the possibility of psychological assistance, a support, or understanding of our problems, gives us the possibility of improving our quality of life, feel better with ourselves, with our personal, social, labour, environment, or partner. FAQs about this type of services include Internet psychologists, are much cheaper that a service in a particular Office, involves what is less professional, or lower quality? No, no way. The quality of the service It will be given by the suitability of the professional who lend it, and its lower cost, is that the technology of the Internet, is used in many cases reducing administrative expenses that have to do with the maintenance of Office, the Secretariat and other operating expenses in this regard. Please visit Jacob Dilla if you seek more information. Are psychologists online confidential and secure? If they are confidential, since it is governed by the code of ethics or ethical psychologist, where the person’s privacy is respected, as well as everything what you expect during the session. Adequate and respectful use of information are basic to all therapist who exercises its role both within the Internet.
Psychologists online only exchange information by mails? Not necessarily, the mails can be used ate another tool, i.e. for an initial contact, or when between sessions deserves, but therapies or the support is done via video calls, or real-time chat or voice calls. Unless the person requesting the service preferred by their personal reasons that the inquiry be carried out only in this manner.