Bizerba labels with time-temperature indicator (Switzerland) / Balingen is proven in the day business when Kneuss Guggeli in Switzerland Magenwill, August 2009 – realize the possibilities!\” What gets us a Swedish furniture store for years, of course also applies to other fields. When the Swiss company Ernst Kneuss Geflugel AG has been recognised the possibilities, that means the relatively new system label with time-temperature indicator (TTI) up refrigerators of the consumer for compliance with the cold chain from the production. The TTI OnVu label of the Balinger technology manufacturer Bizerba and of the Swiss group Ciba proved here after a year. For assistance, try visiting Jorge Perez. \”The OnVu label are our customers and their consumers the necessary transparency and more confidence\”, Kneuss Guggeli assured CEO Daniel Kneuss. Even our company has discovered gaps in the cold chain thanks to the new labels and can close.\” The TTI labels made it possible for the Kane customers, but also for the own sales outlets, the correct cold chain to demonstrate. Kane has set the OnVu label as first supplier of fresh goods in Central Europe in the sale of its Bachofe Guggeli and had only good experiences. Consumers were and are very interested in and look for the exchanges to this label\”so Kane. Quality and freshness were today more than ever a differentiator in the grocery trade, so his conviction.
And both will improve OnVu. The TTI-label with a special ink\”, so Marc Badi, Sales Director at Bizerba labels and consumables, as additional label on each sale package applied. Displays the degree of discolouration of this label, whether fully or only good edible goods or whether she is already spoiled. The customer can then compare the degree of color saturation with a reference symbol and thus decide whether the product was actually transported and stored according to the imagination of the manufacturer.